How to help the society?
Through a membership or a donation, you can help the Friends of Strasbourg Cathedral association to preserve essential cultural capital.
Membership is open to all. You can buy membership on line or by downloading the subscription form and returning it, duly completed, to our offices, with the relevant fees; payment can be made by cheque or bank order.
Members are kept regularly informed of the Society’s activities (lectures, guided tours, excursions, etc.), some of which are open only to them. They receive the Bulletin free of charge as soon as it appears. Their card gives them free access to all Strasbourg museums, and to the Cathedral platform.
Gifts and legacies – two ways you can help
Recognised as a registered charity by the Regional Order of 10 September 2001, the Society is empowered to receive tax-deductible gifts or legacies from individuals and firms. All of these go into a special sponsorship account, and the Society’s running costs and cultural programme are wholly covered by membership fees.
You can also help by remembering the Society in your will, having first provided for your legal heirs. Legacies of all kinds – money, life insurance policies, real estate, investment portfolios, artworks, etc. – are accepted.
For further information, please contact us.